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The perks of shopping with us! Not only do we have fast turnarounds to meet the needs of our customers but we have live restock dates for customers to become well aware of any new shipments. Giving you more control of your business and planning accordingly. Simply create an account with us and select all the products you need and we will fulfill the order in24 hours guaranteed for pickup or freight shipping.
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By becoming a member you will have access to a large catalog of custom double stuff colors as well as a color palette to better expand your business. So not only will you get unbeatable prices by becoming a member but new knowledge on how to grow and expand your business.
We guarantee that our pricing is competitive with any distributor online. Not only saving you time, money, and hassle by shopping remotely. Our Members receive a discounted rate of 25%-60% from suggested retail prices. So not only will you receive quality products from our long list of partnered vendors but at an unbeatable price!
Price: $300
1 year Membership
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